Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Preparing meals....perfect for the busy or always on the go person!

Although I am NOWHERE near my final results, I still felt much better going to the pool today.  I felt more confident with my body and my suit looked much better on me.  I noticed my boobs have gotten smaller, that really annoyed me but as my coach said, smaller boobs is a small price to pay for an overall amazing and sculpted body.  They are all fat soooo yah, I guess that makes sense they would shrink right?

Really focused on cutting portion sizes today and made several different meals all from one afternoon of cooking.  Having a VERY busy life, it's such a relief to know I have healthy meals prepared ready to go and be heated up.  

4OZ of Tuna and Shrimp baked this afternoon = 4 different meals over the next couple days!
 Throw this on a salad or on it's own paired with veggies and you're in business!

1 cup each measured out of radishes, broccoli, and mushrooms steamed with seasonings and 3 cloves of garlic.  This could either be 2 1 cup portions as sides or 4 1/2 cup snacks.  Either way, it smells and I'm sure will be amazing :)

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